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La participación de video interactivo terapéutico (ThrIVE) de APDS proporciona una conexión de video para respaldar la participación terapéutica en la red. THRIVE proporciona video seguro, protegido y monitoreado para personas encarceladas, sin cobrar a amigos y familiares.

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Frequently asked questions
APDS’ Therapeutic Interactive Video Engagement (ThrIVE)
video connection to support network therapeutic engagement.
THRIVE provides safe, secure, monitored video for
individuals, without charging friends and family.
APDS offers a career-readiness platform that provides
educational resources and tools that helps incarcerated
individuals obtain a living wage job once released. We
believe that communication with friends & family offers
incarcerated individuals a support system for their learning
You must first be registered by the relevant DOC
in order to use the platform. Please reach out to
the individual you are trying to contact and
ask them to have you registered on ThrIVE.
Learn more
Frequently asked questions
APDS’ Therapeutic Interactive Video Engagement (ThrIVE) provides
video connection to support network therapeutic engagement.
THRIVE provides safe, secure, monitored video for incarcerated
individuals, without charging friends and family.
APDS offers a career-readiness platform that provides
educational resources and tools that helps incarcerated
individuals obtain a living wage job once released. We believe
that communication with friends & family offers incarcerated
individuals a support system for their learning journey.
You must first be registered by the relevant DOC
in order to use the platform. Please reach out to
the individual you are trying to contact and
ask them to have you registered on ThrIVE.
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